Vaka Motu Palau’s successful Maiden Journey
Okeanos Vaka Motu Palau, made her maiden voyage of over 4,000 nautical miles across the pacific ocean from Auckland to Palau successfully this May using only 80 litres of biofuel.
The traditional double hull sailing canoe will be used for a variety of cultural projects, inter-island travel and sustainability-based education and research, as well as raising awareness of sustainable sea transportation and eliminating the need for fossil fuels.
Beacon Marine, based and New Zealand and Pacific Island Oceanvolt distributers, supplied and commissioned the electric Oceanvolt drive system for the vessel, which was built by Lloyd Stevenson boat builders.
Vaka Motu Palau has 2 x 10kW electric inboard motors, with two 14kWh Lithium Battery systems and can operate under electric drive for up to 6 hours, under hybrid mode it runs on a biofuel powered engine that allows it to be independent from fossil fuel supplies and to operate without C02 emission.
Okeanos foundation’s mission is to empower the Pacific Island people to implement traditionally based sustainable sea transportation to ensure independence, cultural revival and ocean stewardship.