The Lohi 34 is a 10.4 m cruising monohull designed by Hans Groop and built by Lohi Oy and Joemarin Oy from 1973-1981.

Our diesel engine had served well for decades but it was about time to plan to retire the old engine and invest into reliability. The last year with diesel engine was a kind of “self assessment year” to watch carefully how we actually sail. This made it clear that we don't need a motor that gives us long range pushing us hours and hours against wind. Instead, electric propulsion with regeneration of energy from sailing, ability to sail a little higher to the wind with electric motorsailing, quietness and reducing a huge amount of engine related equipment from the boat became very attractive.

Already in our first seatrial we found it very pleasant to sail with the Oceanvolt AX8. We were passing a nearby harbour with the mainsail and little power from the motor. Motorsailing was successful. Without motor assisted sailing it wouldn't have worked. The course was just some 20-30 degrees from headwind and there was no space for tacking due to freight ship traffic. After the narrow passage we had a chance to drop the course a little and the motorsailing changed automatically to regeneration. What a feeling when the range on the Oceanvolt display started rising from one hour to three hours and then to infinite!

The current setup in our boat is a core of the “to-be” system. We're watching carefully how battery, fuel cell and solar system technology will develop in the future. The Oceanvolt motor, controller and the cool instrument panel are as good as they can be. Ready for next generation solutions around them, I'd say.

The boat, Lohi 34, is a center cockpit sailboat built in 1981-1982. The engine room is huge for a 34-footer: There is one cubic meter of space and in total four meters of bulkhead where to mount the electronics. The layout for the Oceanvolt devices and battery installation was planned so that it reserved one seat for the captain who actually did the refit work. It's convenient to sit down with good ergonomics and access everything without crawling in narrow spaces. Not that often seen in a sailboat engine room! – Owner of Lohi 34


Technology used in the electric Lohi 34 sailboat:


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